Veteran Yoruba actor Dele Odule has shared an incident where a fellow actress confronted him on a film set, accusing him of being harsh toward other actors. He clarified the difference between being strict and being wicked.
In an interview posted on the official YouTube channel of Kunleafod TV, Dele Odule revealed that the actress approached him, claiming he was a “wicked person” and admitting she always felt intimidated whenever they worked together on set.
In his statement, he said, “It is obvious that some people don’t know the difference between being disciplined and wicked, because it’s clear that the person that claimed that I’m a wicked person doesn’t like doing the right thing. An actress came to me and told me that I’m a wicked person and she’s always scared of me.
In another post Adura Aloba, brother of the late singer Mohbad, has refuted claims made by Nigerian actor Yomi Fabiyi during a justice advocacy conference.
Fabiyi alleged that Adura offered him ₦3 million to obtain a video supposedly showing Mohbad in a fight with his wife, Omowunmi, which allegedly resulted in the singer falling down a staircase and breaking his neck.
During a conference interview, Adura dismissed the allegations, stating that he would never conceal evidence that could aid in revealing the truth about his brother’s death.
“Firstly, I don’t have much to say because this case is in court already. I can’t know what killed my brother and be silent about it,” Adura said.
He explained that the video in question was recorded by Mohbad three years ago and was stored on a phone Adura had sold to a friend.
He emphasized that he was unaware of the video’s existence until it surfaced and clarified that he was not the person who shared it with the actor.
“The video is from three years ago, and I had it on my phone because Mohbad recorded it. However, I’m not the one who sent the actor the video. I sold the phone the video was on to my friend. I had no idea such a video existed,” he added.